Slide Into the Future: Add Slides to Your Astrology Site

by Jamie Funk

Adding pictures apart from horoscopes to your blog is good for many reasons. It pretties up the page and breaks up the text, making your blog more readable. It also brings in more visitors because of Google images. As an example, if you upload an image of Virgo, name it as such and when people click on that pic at Google images it will link to your site. There may be many images exactly the same listed with different links, but it does add to your hit count.

A great widget to add to your blog is slide. You upload your pics and there are heaps of options avaibale to make it integrate well with your theme. Once you have the code, you can play around with it to alter the height and width to make it fit snugly in the sidebar. Marina illustrates her blog articles and we use the slide widget to display them on the sidebar of our blog. Colour and movement animates the page making it more attractive to visitors.

Beth’s Note: You can insert a slide into a post rather than a widget space by playing around with the html. Copy and past the slide code into your post. Add this piece of code–align=”whatever alignment you want” into the body of the slide code after the html code “width=”numbers for width”.
About the Author

Jamie Funk hangs his blogging hat at “Funkastrology–Cutting Edge Astrology for Uranian Times which he shares with his fiance Marina. Funkastrology has been listed in The Mountain Astrologer as a hot blog to watch. Of course it is!

About Beth Turnage

Astrologer since 1986 and blogger since 2007, I write a lot. Some people like to read it.
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3 Responses to Slide Into the Future: Add Slides to Your Astrology Site

  1. Pingback: ‘Astro Boy’ Trailer HD | Miscellaneous Videos

  2. Pingback: Astro Blogging - Slide Into the Future: Add Slides to Your … | World Global

  3. Michelle says:

    Very cool. This is a great way to add visual interest to my blog header until I make an official one.

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