Author Archives: Beth Turnage

About Beth Turnage

Astrologer since 1986 and blogger since 2007, I write a lot. Some people like to read it.

Successfully Fighting Astrology Content Thieves

(Astroblogging) One astrology blogger friend wrote in our blogging group: “This spam blog is now *stealing my traffic.* It’s one thing to steal content (which I know is just plain wrong) but when I search for the above keywords, the … Continue reading

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Ack! Facebook Changes Annoy Once Again

(Astroblogging) You’ve probably seen this note when looking into Facebook: Changes to How You Share Content in Notes You currently automatically import content from your website or blog into your Facebook notes. Starting November 22nd, this feature will no longer … Continue reading

Posted in Promotion, Social Media | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

SEO: Are you fresh?

(Astroblogging) Listen. I’ve got something to ask you. Now don’t take offense, but are you fresh? Before you get your knickers in a bunch, it may surprise you to know that Google is asking the same thing each and every … Continue reading

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Social Media’s Potential Role in Making Astrology Mainstream

(Astroblogging) Tempe, AZ–A few years ago, I was speaking to an editor of a local paper about an astrology piece I was working on about fashion and astrology. He asked somewhat incredulously, “Astrology has to do with that?” I replied, … Continue reading

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Blogging, Online Products and the Future of Newspapers

(Astroblogging) A sleepy little 4,000 circulation newspaper in New Mexico has the lion’s share of the responsibility of reporting what should be a national news story, a 61,000 acre wildfire, called the Los Conchas fire, that threatens the Los Alamos … Continue reading

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Looking to Sell Your Astrology E-Book?

(Astroblogging) (Psst, you are getting a sneak preview of totally new service available to astrology writers who produce e-books) E-books showcases your astrology writing talents. Much, much cheaper to produce than a print edition, it has the advantage of being … Continue reading

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Astrology Blogger’s Toolbox–Writing Evocative Headlines

(Astroblogging) No doubt about, your headline is an extremely important part of your blog post. Whether or not your post is read often depends on how carefully you crafted these critical first words. According to the Advanced Marketing Institute, the … Continue reading

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Plugins, Plugins, Plugins! . . . And One Just For Astrobloggers

[chart date=”april 13 2011 5:28am EST” size=”400″ asc=”0″ name=”Today’s Post”] Self hosted? Not a Photoshop warrior? No way to add charts to your posts? Well, Jeffrey Kishner has created a plugin to do just this for you. The best part … Continue reading

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Writing Posts That Ride Search Engine Popularity

(Astroblogging) In an astrology blogging workshop that I gave last year I talked about using Google Trends to mine subjects for blog posts. One attendee objected saying he didn’t want his writing dictated by the popular media. He seemed to … Continue reading

Posted in Promotion, SEO, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Crazy for Contact Forms

(Astroblogging) Let’s face it. Many of us are blogging astrology to build our astrology business. Yet I’ve notice a lot of us are not making use of our blogging visibility by promoting our businesses on our sites. Now you can … Continue reading

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