An Astrology Blogger’s Insights: The Creative Process

Tony Vowles has been blogging astrology for about a year at his The Astrology Blog. Today, Tony generously shares what he’s learned during that time.

insightsThe process of writing is a powerful one. Writing an astrological blog is more than merely putting your ideas across to others. The affirmation of feelings, ideas, hopes and dreams into the written word gives them structure – an alchemical reaction occurs at this moment that can be profoundly healing, both to yourself and your readers and should not be underestimated. The communication of emotional release can be a therapy – particularly if you have no other outlet. Consider this – when was the last time you hand wrote a letter? If you write a blog, try it one day – write to a relative, a friend, a lover – try to put emotion and feeling across in your words – tell them how you feel. Once you have finished think about the process – how you felt when writing it. Did it stir up memories, feelings that you hadn’t thought of before? Examine your feelings afterwards – was something released or clarified for you? What you take from this can be an aid to writing future articles.

Blogging is also a learning process. It confirms thoughts and beliefs, bringing structure and clarity to your ideas. The communication stream with others is also a valuable learning aid, providing and getting feedback opens discussion and debate – honing skills. One thing that has had a profound impact on my own writing is adding pictures to my posts. At first, this proved quite difficult. I had to stop and think about the message I wanted to convey – what is the essence of the aspect? Where can I find a suitable picture? Doing this before you write can act as guided imagery – enabling visualisation and refining the creative thinking (and writing) process. If you struggle with writers block or trying to talk about a subject from a different angle then try starting with the image first. Your readers will understand your message better if they can both see it and read it.

Happy Blogging!

tony-vowlesHailing from the UK, Tony calls himself an amateur astrologer and social networker. He has been studying Astrology for about 20 years on and off and also has a background and interest in Martial Arts and Zen Buddhism. His astrology blog is aptly named The Astrology Blog

Photo published under a Creative Commons License from Flickr

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About Beth Turnage

Astrologer since 1986 and blogger since 2007, I write a lot. Some people like to read it.
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2 Responses to An Astrology Blogger’s Insights: The Creative Process

  1. Pingback: Astro Blogging - Mudslinging Part 1: Improving Traffic on Your Astrology Blog

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