A while back (Astroblogging)–I wrote a review on AOL’s Lifestream, a particularly useful app that incorporates various social media streams, like Facebook and Twitter, into one location. While I liked it, I saw one drawback:
Where AOL runs short of a home run is the lack of an easy interface like a button to gather new buddies into your AIM account for private chats. While you can import your email contacts into your buddy lists, you can’t do the same for your Facebook Friends or Twitter followers. Nor do they offer a way to invite people to do so. Without an easy incentive to invite people to reach across social media streams people just won’t, leaving AOL all dressed up and nowhere to go.
Well, it looks like AOL took the hint or got a clue somewhere. Recently they’ve shook hands with Facebook to allow AIM users to import their Facebook friends into AIM chat. No starting with square one here! And that beats Google’s Buzz all to heck, now doesn’t it?
Beth Turnage authors Astrology Explored as well as being publisher of Astrology Media Press. Beth is available for private consultations. You can contact Beth at starrynightastro@aol.com.