Category Archives: Uncategorized

Writing Posts That Ride Search Engine Popularity

(Astroblogging) In an astrology blogging workshop that I gave last year I talked about using Google Trends to mine subjects for blog posts. One attendee objected saying he didn’t want his writing dictated by the popular media. He seemed to … Continue reading

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Crazy for Contact Forms

(Astroblogging) Let’s face it. Many of us are blogging astrology to build our astrology business. Yet I’ve notice a lot of us are not making use of our blogging visibility by promoting our businesses on our sites. Now you can … Continue reading

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When Someone Violates Your Copy Right

(Astroblogging) Nothing frustrates a writer more than when someone lifts their work and uses it without permission. The thief may publish the article under his or her own name. Online writers face special challenges because their work is easily copied … Continue reading

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Should You Add a Forum to Your Astrology Blog?

(Astroblogging)–You know a blog is “alive” when it hosts a conversation. You’re not just posting articles about the cardinal square or the astrological topic of the day. Readers are actually commenting. This level of participation in turn helps motivate you … Continue reading

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How to Sell a Digital Product for Immediate Download on Your Blog

(Astroblogging)–In a previous post, I discussed how to make money from an astrology blog. An additional income source can come from selling your own ebooks or mp3 recordings of talks you’ve given. Of course, you can throw a PayPal button … Continue reading

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Mudslinging Part 1: Improving Traffic on Your Astrology Blog


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Three Common Metrics to Measure Your Blog’s Success

(Astroblogging)–Ellen asked: I use Google Analytics and am looking for a good article on the 3-5 most important things to track. I can get so lost looking at the data and imagining what it means and what to do about … Continue reading

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Astrology, Copyright and Plagiarism

Astroblogging)–By Tony Vowles Blogging is a personal and very rewarding pursuit. Technically it is easy for someone with basic IT skills to produce a website that appears very slick – beautifully designed templates can be slotted in at the click … Continue reading

Posted in Copyright Law, Editorial, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

How to Respond to Requests for Free Advice

As a professional astrologer who – by virtue of having a blog – is perceived as available, you’re likely to receive requests for free advice. After all, you’re an expert. You might get hit up in your comments section, via … Continue reading

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How I Moved My WordPress Blogroll From My Sidebar to a Page

If you link to lots of other astrology blogs, that long list in your sidebar could make your pages much longer than you want them to be. In addition, I’ve heard tell that a link loses its power when it … Continue reading

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