Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blogging vs. Website–The Importance of Social Interaction in Promoting Astrology

By Jamie Darkstar This topic came up recently in a Facebook discussion, which arose from a post on the astrology of the Google Buzz launch. I said that “the leading internet astrologers” are jumping onboard. Defining “leading Internet astrologers” was … Continue reading

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Slide Into the Future: Add Slides to Your Astrology Site

by Jamie Funk Adding pictures apart from horoscopes to your blog is good for many reasons. It pretties up the page and breaks up the text, making your blog more readable. It also brings in more visitors because of Google … Continue reading

Posted in Images, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Astrology Blogging Workshop This Saturday!

The box on the side isn’t just for looks folks. If you live in the Connecticut area and you haven’t signed up yet we just may be able to squeeze you in but you do have to register. Come, get … Continue reading

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How to Find Astrology Widgets for Your Blog

What is an astrology blog without bling? Although content is king, the widgets in your sidebar are often what give your blog its personality. (Or at the very least, toys with which your readers can twiddle if they’re bored by … Continue reading

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Help Your Readers Find Your Old Blog Posts

By Jeffrey Kishner Blogs are designed to publish an author’s most recent entry at the top of the page, pushing older posts further down the page, and eventually into the archives. This format is great if you’re writing a diary … Continue reading

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An Astrology Blogger’s Insights: The Creative Process

Tony Vowles has been blogging astrology for about a year at his The Astrology Blog. Today, Tony generously shares what he’s learned during that time. The process of writing is a powerful one. Writing an astrological blog is more than … Continue reading

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Why Technorati Now Disappoints

While it is often said, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all, Technorati’s new business plan cries out for a critique. Once the Mecca of blogging enthusiasts across the net, systemic changes to social media site … Continue reading

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How to Make Money From an Astrology Blog

by Jeffrey Kishner There are many reasons why astrologers blog, and making money directly from blogging is probably the last thing on our minds. For many of us, just the act of sharing our love for astrology with the community … Continue reading

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Fine Tips of Blogging: Adding Images to Blog It

Many bloggers keep multiple blogs and often would like to post the same content on each. But who wants to keep posting the same entry over and over again? The options for cross-platform blogging are nearly non-existent, but one option … Continue reading

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Social Media: Using Twitter Trending Topics to Boost Readership

Like most of you, I’ve been ignoring the Trending Topics on the sidebar of my Twitter page. In a real Homer Simpson moment, I hit my head and moaned “doh!” when I realized the opportunities missed by not utilizing this … Continue reading

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